Hace algunos años un ingeniero colaborador me decia con orgullo: "a mi lo que me me gusta en inventar, porque soy muy creativo..." - "Ok, magnifico" - le contestaba. Y mi jefe quien sufria de ataques de sarcasmo insistia> "bien. inventa algo. aqui espero." A lo que sus inventos no llegaban. Es mas, esperamos varios años a que llegara por lo menos una sola propuesta de este señor "creativo", cosa que nunca sucedio.
En la misma epoca, mas o menos, la contadora, que todo un caso para la araña pero no me voy a clavar en las otras texturas, decia: "soy muy creatva!"... em, creativo y contador son como oxymoron diametralmente opuestos! Y a lo que cuando es cierto, es hiperpeligroso, pero bueno. Esta muchacha, igual, cada reto a resolver contestaba: "asi no se hace", "es que las buenas practicas dictan", "es que, esque esque..." CERO propuestas de resolucion, poras objeciones. Sera que era creativa en poner objeciones! o ya no se...
Aun con estos dos sujetos y un sequito mas de objecionadores, lance 50 productos al mercado en 5 años...
Demasiada gente que he conocido asi... supongo es de esas veces de "Se necesita ser para reconocer..."
Tal parece que la creatividad es una de esas virtudes que todo mundo dice tener y presume de serlo, pero cuando llega "la prueba"de serlo, muy poca gente la pasa. Para ser creativo, la realdiad y a mi buen entender se necesitan 4 otras virtudes, ineludiblemente:
1-Valor: porque alguien miedoso, puede que sea creativo pero nunca lo presentara al mundo, entonces de que sirve que se atoren sus creaciones en su cerebro, o en el cajon del olvido? no creo que de mucho. Se necesita mucho valor para pensar Y HACER fuera de la caja. Esta segunda es la parte que a todos se les parece olvidar...

3-Visionario. Y no lo digo en terminos del buzzword, o palabra de moda, sino e la caracterisitca que DaVinci definio mejor en su frase: "aprende a ver, pues todo se conecta con todo, pero se necesita saber Observar".
4-Imaginacion. Einstein decia "La imaginacion es mas importante que el conocimiento, pues el conocimiento tiene limites y la imaginacion es la herramienta principal para llegar al conocimiento."
Los verdaderos creativos nos inclinamos a una u otra de estas virtudes mas o menos, y pueden entrar en ciclos, o mover la balanza segun sea necesario.en la ocasion.
En mis labores diarias de mi nueva vida, dedico gran parte del dia a conectar, todo con todo lo que se deje...

Mi excontadora, probablemente ni sabia que significaba la palabra realmente... anywho....
A few years ago, an engineer collaborator used to say with pride: "What I love to do is to create, that is because I am very creative".... "OK, great"- I'd answer. Our boss who had his frequent sarcasm attacks insisted: " Ok, create then. I'll wait right here." To of course we all waited for his inventions to arrive. In fact, we waited a few years for any, anything to arrive. Nothing did ever come from this "Creative" gentleman.
Around the same time, kinda' the accountant, which in any case and I will not dive into any textures here, used to say: "I'm very creative!"... Um, creative and accountant is kind of an oxymoron complete opposite, and if so, very dangerous. Anyway, This girl, same, every challenge we had to solve, she replied: "that is not the way to do it", "Good practices dictate", "no, no no no...." ZERO solution proposals, and worse off when we had to solve things, anything out of the ordinary.... Probably she was creative in presenting objections...anywho... Even with this two fellas, and a few other objectors, I launched 50 products into market in 5 years...
Far too many people I've met like this... I guess is one of those times that: "Yo have to be to know..."
It might seem that creativity is one of those virtues that everyone says to have and prides on being, but, when it all boils down to "the test" of being, just a handful does pass. To be creative, truth and my understanding, we need 4 unavoidable traits:
1- Courage. Because even if you are fearful you may be creative, but what is it worth to create if everything will stay in your brain or the closed drawer? I don't think much. You need to have courage to present your ideas to the world, Think and DO outside the box. This second part is why most seem to forget...
2- Optimism. What is it worth being creative if everything you think is brought down in flames by "Reality dictates...". If on the other hand we have it loaded on the illusionist side, nothing much happens as it becomes unplaussible.

4- Imagination. Einstein used to say: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited and imagination is the main way for knowledge to arrive."
We true creatives incline to one or other of one of these virtues, more or less, they change in cycles, or shift the balance according to the occasion.
In my daily duties in this my new life I dedicate most of my time connecting everything to everything letting...
Truth be told that yes, all human beings can develop creativity, but beyond our self imposed limits, most won't dare. A friend of mine says: "Dynamite in hands of idiots will never explode". And I am NOT saying that uncreative people are stupid,. NO. What I mean is that even if all humans have the power to be, most will never use it, just a handful find a way to make it happen and worse off in different arenas. True, nobody can be everything in everything. There can only be one DaVinci.
Once you have created something, brought into fruition, make it happen, what have you, you might call yourself creative. Otherwise... Um, I rather you didn't.
My ex-accountant most likely doesn't even know the true meaning of the word... anyhow..
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