¿Que tan difícil puede ser??
Es la pregunta que toda persona optimista hacemos e instantáneamente los pesimistas reaccionan convulsionandose en el piso con un ataque de nervios - mis disculpas si eres pesimista, no te preocupes, ya te ayudare a levantarte con gusto -
Yo confieso, soy optimista-realista. Los pesimistas no nos creen pues no creen nada de nada... de nada. Y para acabarla de joder, mi entusiasmo natural es facilmente confundido por optimismo ciego y estupidez y mas aun por mentes grises y pesimistas, espantandose y provocandose peores convulsiones .... De cualquier forma,...
"Los pesimistas ven problemas en toda oportunidad. Los optimistas vemos oportunidades en todo problema" - Winston Churchill
Yo he trabajado mucho con pesimistas. Es mas, mi esposa es una y aun así la adoro. Y es curioso como reaccionamos ante las diferentes crisis: entre mas grande sea la crisis, yo me convierto en mas optimista y ella en mas pesimista. Es como si las fuerzas opuestas del universo se equilibraran. Al final del dia soy so quien mantiene la cordura y la fe pues sin ellas, pues para que vivir.
El ser también realista me permite ver todo el espectro de pasos a seguir para llegar al objetivo sin perder el piso, es decir: SE que no soy Superman y que no puedo volar de un edificio al otro. Se medir que mas de 2 metros de distancia entre edificios me voy a quedar atorado en algún punto mas que indeseable. Mi esposa no ve mas que el agujero vacío mas profundo que la fosa de las Marianas y ya incluso se imagino mi cráneo desparramado en su fondo, obvio, ese es su miedo.
Eso me ha pasado también en la arena profesional. En TODOS los proyectos que he iniciado, manejado, administrado y demás siempre he encontrado infinitas objeciones. siempre sale alguien. Y de hecho así es como he aprendido que siempre que el discurso sea lógico y bien fundamentado enriquece al proyecto mismo; en términos metafóricos, simplemente tiene un escala de medición y/o punto de vista diferente a mi para medir espacios entre los edificios, y probablemente tenga un sexto sentido para saber si va a llover ese día por tanto el techo vaya a estar mas resbaloso de lo que yo proyecte, evitándome el estruendoso caer de mi cráneo al piso del Gran Cañón y de paso el de toda la gente involucrada.
"Para triunfar, no pelees con lo viejo, construye sobre lo nuevo" - Socrates
"La humanidad necesita gente práctica, eficiente que cuide los intereses de los demás. Pero la humanidad también necesita soñadores, aquellos que por simple interés en el desarrollo mismo puede terminar descuidando áreas que solo los prácticos pueden cuidar, haciendo así un equipo de beneficio mutuo" - Marie Curie
El punto es que en múltiples posts míos y de otros profesionales, incluyendo Forbes, Harvard, Businessweek, Oxford, MIT y muchos, muchos más admitimos que el hacer algo nuevo es tanto inevitable como imprescindible y que trae riesgos, el chiste es minimizar esos riesgos siendo realistas, pero si te quedas en estado mental pesimista, un optimista TE va a ganar el postre indubitablemente.
Si eres pesimista, confiesa, pues aqui hay ayuda.
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Trabaja inteligentemente, no solo mas |
How hard can it be??
That is the question every optimist makes and instantaneously every pessimist react in convulsion nervous attack on the floor - my apologies if you are a pessimist, don-t you worry, I'll happily help you up -
I confess: I am an optimistic-realist. Pessimists do not believe in anything about not a thing. nothing about nothing.... To make things worst my natural enthusiasm is easily confused by sheer optimism and stupidity and more over by grey pessimistic minds, scaring them and convulsing them even more ... Anyway,
" Pessimists see a problem in every opportunity. Optimists see an opportunity in every problem" - Winston Churchill
I have worked with more than a fair share of pessimists. In fact, my wife is one, and I still love her. And it is funny how we react so very different to every crisis. For larger the crisis the more I turn to optimism, the more my wife into a pessimism. It is like the forces of the universe would balance each other out. At the end of the day, I keep sanity and faith together, otherwise might as well die.
To be a true realist allows me to see the whole spectrum of steps to get to the target without losing ground. I mean, I know all to well I am not Superman and that I cannot fly over to the next building. I know when I see a 2 yard gap and might as well not jump otherwise I'll end up stuck somewhere undesirably. Mi wife sees nothing but the gigantic hole larger than the Mariana's Trench and in fact has already seen my skull splattered right in the bottom, obviously that is fear speaking.
"To succeed, don´t fight the old, built on the new"- Socrates
This has obviously happened to me in the professional real as well. In EVERY project I have either started, implemented, managed or otherwise I have found multiple objections, there is always the NO guy. In fact that is how I have learned that, as long as the speech is logical and well founded it enriches the project itself; in metaphorical terms, that may be he's got a different measuring scale or a different point of view than mine to gauge the space between buildings, or she's got a sixth sense that she knows it will rain and the roof will be wet that day, making the surface slippery, avoiding my skull to thunder on the bottom of the Grand Canyon dragging everyone else involved.
"Losers are those who are afraid of losing" - Robert Kiyosaki
Even with more than enough objections I have achieved, maybe rightfully because all the opposition more than satisfactory results. However, most of the times all our health has been compromised, maybe that could have been avoided too, most likely I will never know. What I do know now is how to turn most objections into productive and effective motion, and also preventing oppositors making stupidities. In one case early in my career, a group of skeptical oppositors during an important crisis we went through, stole funds off the project rendering it impossible to operate. Obvious, legal troubles came rolling in over them.
For the duration of my life, every day, not only my professional years I have turned objections into productive proposals. I have always said that with more points of views the 3D image gets a lot clearer. The point is to grow form each individual point of view and in fact if it is completely contrary it will add more value. The true difficulty lies in listening and growing out from all those, without being discriminatory which is by the way natural and counter-instinctive. doesn't matter where it comes from and that is why almost nobody does it. I shall never destroy or undermine it as nobody knows how important it can be, or not. But no one will know ever if nobody listens.
The point is that in many of my posts and other professionals including Forbes, Harvard, Oxford, MIT, Businessweek and many, many more, we acknowledge that making something new is as unavoidable as necessary and every time it upbrings risks. The point is to minimize those risks by being realists, but if you stay in a pessimistic state of mind, any other optimist will get to the cake before YOU.
So I ask dear readers: Who do you want to team up with?? and How difficult can it be?? Well, there's nothing more dangerous than nothing or even a halfass tryout, Is there??
If you are a pessimist, just 'fess up, help is here.
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