Queridos lectores,
Esta semana estuve conduciendo una investigación de mercado, un benchmark comparativo para un cliente y a pesar de usar tácticas un tanto deceptivas, pues ni modo, a veces se tienen que hacer... lo siento. Pero el punto de mi post es que, como exvendedor, entrenador, y exgerente de ventas, me avergüenza como algunos, mejor dicho, casi todos los vendedores que he conocido, ¡Ninguno sabe vender..! no realmente.
La semana pasada, mande unas pocas solicitudes por los portales Web a las companias target de las cuales necesitaba hacer el benchmark para el proyecto de innovación de mi cliente. Me sorprendio que solo 6 companias tiene portal. 4 muy apantalladores, con fotografías y mucha "visión, misión y valores..." magnifico.
Las otras el teléfono ni era. Y resulta que dos compartían el mismo teléfono, lo que reduce a tres. De las tres, solo una me dijo que si había recibido mi solicitud y que me haría llegar la información a la brevedad...Una hora dijo... ya pasaron tres días. La otra, el mejor website con chat automático me preguntaron mis datos prometieron que en menos de 12 horas tendría yo los datos... A los dos días le marco para ver que paso, y me dijo que no sabia de que le hablaba yo. Me volvió a pedir mis datos.... Y de hecho fueron los únicos datos que me llegaron, pero incompletos a lo que le vuelvo a marcar para reclamar. A todo me decía: "es que es muy difícil así, no le puedo dar los datos porque, pues.. em...es que depende..." ... Mi presentación fue hace 4 horas...
Digo, los datos que obtuve fueron suficientes y mi presentación fue estelar, no que la haya dado yo, pero pues fue lo que me dijeron...
Hace un par de semanas fui a una agencia de autos a checar, a hacer mi carta de SantaClaus... La muchachita, muy atractiva, evidentemente operada al grado que parecía trasvesti o ... no se, el punto es que le pregunto... y solo me contestaba lo que yo le preguntaba. Jamas fue para preguntarme de si me podría interesar por otras opciones, vaya, ella fácilmente hubiese podido, por medio de un par de preguntas bien formuladas interesarme por otro modelo mas caro, y así hacer mejor SU trabajo y ganarse mejor comisión... No por solo estar buenita te voy a comprar mas...!
Todavía recuerdo de un proyecto que tuve hace unos años que me presente como compania exportadora. A diferencia de esta vez, aquella tenia el 100% de intención de comercializar, mercadear y distribuir los productos. Habré contactado como a 30 empresas. Solo pedí un lote de muestras, catálogos, listas de precios y condiciones. Sabes, lo mínimo necesario para poder presentar y así vender... con UNA hice negocios porque fue la única de 30 que me dio lo necesario para YO comprar y así poder vender SUS productos... increíble!!
Digo, ya ni platico de cientos si no es que miles de experiencias con vendedores... supongo irán saliendo en posts futuros, porque de que hay tela para cortar, hay mucha... Es decir, es cosa de que hace, vaya toda mi vida en realidad que veo gente en ventas poco motivada, pero a la vez desesperada por la presión a la que son sometidos, pero nadie, ni el vendedor ni el jefe se dan cuenta de que, si al vendedor se le dan directrices o entrenamiento fallido, NO es ni sera Jamas culpa del vendedor...
Pero, la flojera, pereza y estupidez del vendedor de prometer enviar una cotización o datos para, digo, en mi caso difícilmente le voy a comprar, pero ahora Menos, porque la imagen que da El Vendedor de La Empresa termina siendo de una bola de gente floja, desorientada, malpagada, y mas que otra cosa, mal entrenada. Y por desgracia, por lo que me consta es la gran, gran mayoría.
Yo a mi tropa de vendedores que llegue a manejar un buen numero, los entrené y les presionaba fuerte. Muchos no aguantaron, pero Jamas, nadie se quejo de que no les di entrenamiento ni las herramientas necesarias para vender Bien. Muchos de los que no aguantaron, después me dijeron que se equivocaron conmigo, que jugaron mal la política, o flojearon o tuvieron problemas externos o ... todos me agradecieron, por lo que yo les agradezco a ellos.
Eventualmente la conclusión a la que llego es, (casi) nadie quiere vender... Y si si, no se nota.
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sipempre da el 100% a tu trabajo... |
My dear Readers,
This week I conducted a market benchmark research for a client of mine and despite using a bit deceptive tactics, I'm sorry for that what's needed. The point is, me as an exsalesman, trainer and exVP of sales I am truly ashamed how some, or rather most sales people I've met, No one knows how to truly be a good sales person!
Last week I sent a few estimate requests trough the target company's websites to gather intel to benchmark the innovation project for my client. I was still amazed that only six companies had a website. 4 very nice by the way, plenty of photos and "mission, vision and... " crap, awesome.
Two, the phone was dead. And another two, they had the same phone number. Funny. So it is reduced to three. Of the three, one said that they did get my request and would send back the information shortly. One hour she said... It's been three days. The other one, awesome website, automatically engaging chat, he asked my info and promised that within 12 hours I'd get the info back. Two days later I dial, and he said he knew nothing about me. He asked my data again... He was the only one to send me an estimate, incomplete by the way so I dial back to request the missing data. Everything I said he replied: "um, well, its too difficult, I don't, well..." I got nothing, and my presentation was four hours ago.
I mean, I did get, pushing and shoving enough intel to make a stellar presentation, not that it was mine, but that's the feedback I got.
A couple of weeks ago I went to browse to a car dealer, to make My SantaClaus wish list... The lady, pretty good looking, evidently surgeonized, for a second I felt I was dealing with a transvestite or I don't know... Point is I asked away... She only answered what I asked. She never even suggested to look into another option, you know, she could've easily steered the conversation by asking well formulated questions into, I don't know, a more expensive option, thus making a much better job an commission by the way... Not only for sexy I'm going to buy more!
I still remember a project I had a few years back where I presented myself as an exporting company (true by the way) I had 100% intent of trading and distributing their goods. I must have contacted roughly 30 companies. I just asked a few samples, catalogs, price lists and conditions. you know, the least minimum for me to present and sell... ONE complied and thus made business, gave me enough for me to Buy and Sell their stuff... incredible!!
I mean, I must have hundreds if not thousands of sales people experiences.. I guess they will come out form time to time in future posts, because I do have enough to tell... I mean, for my whole life I have found plenty of badly motivated and frustrated out of their minds, crushed by pressure their are subjected to, but no one, nor salesman nor boss acknowledge that, if the salesman is given bad or incomplete information or training it is NOT and will Never be their fault.
but laziness and stupidity of the salesman to promise an estimate to, maybe make a sale and not comply... Damn, it is the both the salesman and the companies image that is tarnished as lazy, misinformed, badly paid, disoriented and badly trained people. And for what I've seen it is a vast majority.
I was a sales VP for a few years where I handled rather a nice number of people whom I trained and pressured up to the breaking point, but no one, ever complained that I missed giving them proper training or the tools needed to close well. Most people that broke, after a while they told me that they made a mistake by leaving, or that they misjudged me or they misplayed the politics, or they had other issues. .. Everyone thanked me, so I thank them.
I got to the conclusion that, (almost) no one wants to sell.... And if I'm mistaken, well, I can't tell.
Two, the phone was dead. And another two, they had the same phone number. Funny. So it is reduced to three. Of the three, one said that they did get my request and would send back the information shortly. One hour she said... It's been three days. The other one, awesome website, automatically engaging chat, he asked my info and promised that within 12 hours I'd get the info back. Two days later I dial, and he said he knew nothing about me. He asked my data again... He was the only one to send me an estimate, incomplete by the way so I dial back to request the missing data. Everything I said he replied: "um, well, its too difficult, I don't, well..." I got nothing, and my presentation was four hours ago.
I mean, I did get, pushing and shoving enough intel to make a stellar presentation, not that it was mine, but that's the feedback I got.
A couple of weeks ago I went to browse to a car dealer, to make My SantaClaus wish list... The lady, pretty good looking, evidently surgeonized, for a second I felt I was dealing with a transvestite or I don't know... Point is I asked away... She only answered what I asked. She never even suggested to look into another option, you know, she could've easily steered the conversation by asking well formulated questions into, I don't know, a more expensive option, thus making a much better job an commission by the way... Not only for sexy I'm going to buy more!
I still remember a project I had a few years back where I presented myself as an exporting company (true by the way) I had 100% intent of trading and distributing their goods. I must have contacted roughly 30 companies. I just asked a few samples, catalogs, price lists and conditions. you know, the least minimum for me to present and sell... ONE complied and thus made business, gave me enough for me to Buy and Sell their stuff... incredible!!
I mean, I must have hundreds if not thousands of sales people experiences.. I guess they will come out form time to time in future posts, because I do have enough to tell... I mean, for my whole life I have found plenty of badly motivated and frustrated out of their minds, crushed by pressure their are subjected to, but no one, nor salesman nor boss acknowledge that, if the salesman is given bad or incomplete information or training it is NOT and will Never be their fault.
but laziness and stupidity of the salesman to promise an estimate to, maybe make a sale and not comply... Damn, it is the both the salesman and the companies image that is tarnished as lazy, misinformed, badly paid, disoriented and badly trained people. And for what I've seen it is a vast majority.
I was a sales VP for a few years where I handled rather a nice number of people whom I trained and pressured up to the breaking point, but no one, ever complained that I missed giving them proper training or the tools needed to close well. Most people that broke, after a while they told me that they made a mistake by leaving, or that they misjudged me or they misplayed the politics, or they had other issues. .. Everyone thanked me, so I thank them.
I got to the conclusion that, (almost) no one wants to sell.... And if I'm mistaken, well, I can't tell.
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