Viernes filosófico:
¿Porque como sociedad humana adulta, por principio, desconfiamos?
¿Porque, por unos cuantos rufianes e historias de terror, el resto somos tratados como rufianes? ¿Por precaución... ?
Resulta que, en uno de los principios de Psicología dice que: "Como somos tratados es mas un reflejo de como es la otra persona que como somos nosotros en realidad"...
Por tanto, entre mas nos traten con "precaución anti-rufián", resulta por dicho principio de psicología que el rufián es el otro, por lo menos mas que uno mismo... Por tanto, ¿que resulta ser de nuestros gobiernos? ¿O de nuestros bancos?
¿O de algunas de nuestras esposas, que en mi caso de repente, me acusa de estar de mal humor, y por si acaso estoy de mal humor ella se enoja y grita antes?
Todo esto resulta ser mas una respuesta de nuestros egos heridos y vengativos que la realidad, y por tanto nos terminamos convirtiendo en rufianes o en miedosos, todo racionalizado para la protección de nuestro mismo ego, Todo en precaución de que el otro vaya a ser "algo", ¿incluso mas que nosotros? ¿Vale la pena?
"El ojo solo ve lo que la mente esta lista a comprender" - Henri Bergson
Bien se dice que "Todo depende del cristal por le que se mira" Siendo el principal e ineludible cristal nuestro propio cerebro, nuestra mente que, durante toda nuestra propia vida se ha ido moldeando con preconcepciones y prejuicios en precaución de cuidar nuestro propio ego... logico, finalmente. Sin ego terminaríamos siendo algo menos que lombrices, o algo así,...
Ahora bien, Que nos sirve todo esto para, mas que la vida diaria, los negocios, o mas específicamente la innovación, por tanto la supervivencia de los negocios?
La preconcepción de la gente es clave: No por que nos haya ido mal o no hayamos tenido los resultados deseados, no significa que vayamos a seguir teniendo los mismos malos resultados en el futuro.
No porque un contador o tres, nos haya tranzado significa que todos los contadores sean tranzas.
No porque te haya ido mal con un gestor o tres, significa que todos son malos.
No porque un ingeniero sea estúpido significa que todos lo seamos, es mas, en este caso, si que te salio la única piedra en el arroz...
"la conclusion es solo el lugar en donde nuestra mente nos dice que ya se canso de pensar" - Amy Rees Anderson
Tocar puertas cansa. Cabildear cansa. Esperar resultados, cansa. Probar nuevas formulas de negocio cansa. PERO:

"la clave del éxito esta en 99% perspiración 1% inspiración. Para que la inspiración te encuentre, te tiene que encontrar trabajando"
- Pablo Picasso
Philosophic Friday:
Why, as an adult human society, just out of the blue, we distrust?
Why, because of just a handful of scumbags and horror stories are we, the rest of us treated as scumbags? Just precaution?
Just so happens that one basic Psychology principle states: "As we are treated is more a reflection of how the other person is, than of what we ourselves are in reality"...
Ergo, for more we are treated with "anti-scumbag precaution", just so happens for the principle that the other guy is the scumbag, at least more than oneself... Why would that state for our governments? And our banks? or even some of our wives that just out of caution, just in case she accuses me of, perhaps, being in a bad mood so she barks at me first?
This is in in truth more a hurt and vengeful ego response than reality itself, therefore we end up becoming scumbags or frightened kittens ourselves, everything rationalized into a protective shield of our own ego, everything "just in case" the other guy might be "something"... even more than ourselves? Is that really worth it?
"The eyes will only see what the mind is ready to comprehend" - Henri Bergson
There is also the proverb: "It all depends of the crystal we see through" being evidently and inescapably our own brains, our own mind the main crystal we see everything through it, that throughout all our lives has been molded into preconceptions, prejudgements and precautions just to protect our own ego... At the end of the day it is only logical. Without ego we'd all be a bit less than slugs, or something...
Now, what does all this mean for, beyond our own daily lives, business or rather, innovation, thus business survival?
People preconceptions is the key: Not because we've been burned in the past means that we'll be burned in the future.
Not because an accountant, or three, scammed us means that every accountant is a scammer.
Not because you had a bad lobbyist means that everyone will be...
Not because you crossed paths with a stupid engineer means that, in fact, you may have found the only bean in the rice pot.
But of course there are scumbags, mobsters, and plenty of illhearted people... So of course we must take precautions everywhere, but not to the point of freezing, not to the point of inaction. This justifications, conclusions or rationalizations are nothing else but our own frightened egos protecting themselves to not try again, to continue trying, to fly again. We need to be smarter and humbler than ourselves...
"A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking" - Amy Rees Anderson
To knock on doors is tiresome. To lobby is tiresome. To wait for results is tiresome. To try new business formulas and models is tiresome. BUT:
"The key to success is 99% perspiration, 1% inspiration. For inspiration to find you, it must find you working" - Pablo Picasso
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