El que todos quieran empezar en una posición cómoda, incluso floja de segundo, ¿Acaso no resulta en una paradoja que termina en que nadie empiece nada?
Parece que se nos olvida que la Teoría del Juego también nos dice que algunos juegos es más relevante empezar primero como en las carreras de autos, las Olimpiadas o el duelo con pistolas, y otros como el ajedrez, maratón o la vida, en realidad no importa.
Aunque cierto es que hay demasiados casos que el que llega segundo termina superando al primero, como los casos de Xerox, Microsoft y Sony versus Apple, KMart vs Walmart, Yahoo vs Google... En todos, los que llegaron primero tuvieron en su momento oportunidad incluso de adquirir a sus competidores cuando todavía eran pequeños... Y porque no lo hicieron, eliminando así esa amenaza competitiva?
Yo creo que es problema de estado mental, de que se despreció la competencia en una posición arrogante donde no se mantuvo el paso, dejando campo libre a quien no tenia nada que perder, arriesgándose y en muchos de estos casos, simplemente ganando, dando como resultado un estado de incredulidad combinada con aversión al riesgo, combinación simplemente letal.
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"¿Como llego al otro lado?? " - "Ya estas del otro lado!!" |
Y a diferencia del ajedrez y otros juegos, la vida y la humanidad continua.
Alguien en algún momento destronará a Google, y a Apple y a.... todos.

One question regarding the recent frequently cited "first come disadvantage": Wouldn't that just become a paradox of nobody starting anything because everyone is waiting for everybody else to sart something just to grab and become a rather lazy, comfy second?
I do believe that it not matter of starting first, second or third, is more a matter of keeping up with the pace, so it is rather a mindframing problem. Why did Google overcome Yahoo, and why did Yahoo did nothing against Google? Xerox, Microsoft and Sony vs Apple, KMart vs Walmart... and so many more cases were rather cases of being dismissed as non-threats, thus not taking, or losing the strategic first-come as an advantage, Yahoo lost that first served chance when they chose not to aquire Google when they had that small golden chance.
True, Game Theory teach us that sometimes is best to be second as in rock-paper-scissors, sometimes is best to be first as in car racing, the Olympics, or a gun duel, and sometimes doesn't really matter as in every complex games happens, as in chess, marathons or true life.
It is my experience as a strategist and innovator that Arrogant dismissals against the small upcomming underdog IS what happens each and everytime a second commer wins, rarely the other way around. And after that happens, the first-arrival-loser lose because of lost-mind, risk-averse disbelief rather than anything else.
There are enough big players that call themselves disruptors, like P&G.... Those guys never take on an innovation unless it has been proven in the field for at least a year by someone else, proving their risk-averseness. After a year, nowadays that is just old news.
And unlike Chess, life and humanity must go on.
Some one at some point will dethrone Apple and google and... everyone.
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